Special Event: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Summit

It's President's Day. And I am breaking my practice of only sending out a Monthly Newsletter to my list.

But I have a cause and commitment to support it with all of the resources and means that i have.

Let me start with 3 thoughts about the future of Technology and our humanity:

“Everybody has to be able to participate in a future that they want to live for. That’s what technology can do.”
--Dean Kaman Inventor of Segway
“Technology – with all its promise and potential – has gotten so far beyond human control that its threatening the future of humankind.” --Kim Vincente Professor University of Toronto
“Our future world will have to find equilibrium in the technology pendulum swing.”
--Stephen Nappo Global Chief Information Security Officer OVH

There you can see the good, the bad, and the reality.

Technology will not go away until the means of running that technology is put beyond our reach as human beings. Unfortunately, for that to happen, we will be dealing with bigger issues than just the lack of technology.

Why an AI Summit?

I was invited to speak for an upcoming summit on AI in business. I was excited to do so.


Because I have not encountered a technology that has done more in just a few months for small business owners like me than I've experienced in the 35+ years I've been a geek.

What has it done?

Leveled the playing field for business owners of all sizes, points-of-view, and intentions.

When I started my journey in technology, people had to be interested in it as I was. You had to know coding, ideas, and data. You had to be detail oriented. And you had to be patient.

Today, I can imagine something, speak it, and it becomes so. It's not perfect, but it lets me serve others in ways that I've never before been able to do.

How to be Memorable

Last Thursday, I was interviewed for my session in the summit. I was able to talk about how, as a business owner, I can be more memorable to those who encounter me on the web.

I use a technology called Flip Books, but I've gone beyond the simple idea of a book on a computer. I'm creating engaging, interactive content that encourages my audience to experience, learn, and grow.

This is how to be memorable: give your audience an opportunity to experience the transformation you offer.

A Flip Book is many things such as these:

  • A learning platform
  • A self-paced, multi-sensory experience
  • A video, quiz, data platform
  • A bookmarkable Call-To-Action

My collaborators and I have found dozens of ways to employ this technology to teach, engage, and sell online.

I'm excited to be able to share this with a wider audience on February 27-29. If you are one of my fellow business owners, I invite you to consider this opportunity.

If it's not for you, I give you my thanks for letting me break into your email today.

Here's the detail on how to check out the summit:



PS I'm offering a give away during the summit. I'm also working on a similar offer for all of my community. A lot has been going on. I hope you'll check in on March's newsletter for an update.

Hi, I'm Robert Ruder

I'm the owner/operator of IDIC Designs, LLC. I coach small business owners to align their technology with their business objectives. Would you be willing to connect me to someone who needs to make better use of their technology?

Read more from Hi, I'm Robert Ruder

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