[Newsletter] January 2024: Systematic vs Systems

“How you do one thing is how you do everything.” --Various

I suppose January, the month of fresh starts and resolutions, is a good time to think about this truism.

On my desk I have a small reminder. Systematic vs Systems.

We live in a culture that pushes systems. A solution (system) exists for every problem that we imagine that we have.

And we put energy into believing that the secret to success is somehow bottled up in the system.

I’ve been contrarian on that thinking over the last 23 years.

Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combination = IDIC. I put it in the name of my business--IDIC Designs. There are infinite ways a system can function.

That’s why I believe that before you build a system you must train yourself to BE systematic. The Book of Wisdom (Ecclesiastes) says “whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”

True confession time. My business has not progressed as I had imagined when I started. I thought I was an innovator.

How I solve problems often is innovative.

But I’ve struggled. I did not embrace the wisdom that before you build the system, you must be systematic.

With computers you must be systematic. With human beings? Not so much.

In 2024, I’m making Systematic my word of the year.

I’m gambling on a hunch. If I study my systematic approach and capture it along with my observations, I will make this year the best growth year for IDIC Designs that I have ever experienced.

Thank you for coming along for the ride.


PS Here are three ways you and I can connect this month.

  1. I've created a new program for working with me directly. If technology, systems, and strategic ideas are not your strength, you can email me to get my input.

    This is a brand new program. So, the first 50 to sign up will get a sweetheart deal. The first 50 get this offer for just $9.95/mo or $99.50/yr renewing subscription.

    It will never be this low again. More info available HERE.
  2. Last Friday I sat down with my new friends Chris Angell and Val Mohney for their Spokane Business Insider podcast which is part of their Groundswell Collective initiative to build and support a community of business builders who have a passion or purpose behind their entrepreneurial drive.

    We had a fun conversation that covered valuable insights about discovering and building systems with a purpose.

    Watch this space for the episode to drop: Spokane Business Insiders
  3. Along with the Groundswell Collective, I've also launched a new community building effort. I call mine the Inland Northwest Champions Network (INWCN).

    How do big ideas spread? Author Matt Silverman has published a blueprint called The Champions Network. In the book Matt details how influence and ideas are spread by individuals who take up the work of promoting the values and goals of a product or program.

    I'd like to see if the principles of The Champions Network can be applied to cross organizational situations. Can we create an organized network of Champions that promote the economic interests of a geographically connected region?

    I invite you to join us to find out: Inland Northwest Champions Network

PPS Did someone forward this email to you? You can get them directly at the beginning of each month. Sign Up Here

Hi, I'm Robert Ruder

I'm the owner/operator of IDIC Designs, LLC. I coach small business owners to align their technology with their business objectives. Would you be willing to connect me to someone who needs to make better use of their technology?

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