Champions #2: What Makes This Community Different (?)

I haven't gotten into a writing rhythm yet with Inland Northwest Champions. I'm thinking about it every day, but never to the point of writing and committing to say something.

And right now, I should be doin' stuff that needs to get done. But, well, writing feels more engaging.

So, here it is...

I've been involved with two new community startups in the Spokane area: The Groundswell Collective and most recently R-Connect.

Both groups, both founders are looking for something more authentic in business-to-business networking. They are reacting to that normal almost caricature way people show up to networking with business cards in hand ready to "find a customer."

If you ascribe to the teaching of Eugene Schwartz in Breakthrough Advertising, you are probably familiar with this quote:

"Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears and desires that already exists in the hearts of millions of people, and focus those already existing desires onto a particular product."

I would also add that you cannot create desire by handing out a business card. Or create passion, commitment, or purpose in business.

The only thing we can do as business owners is to meet others where they are at. That is what I am trying to do with Inland Northwest Champions Network.

I have a crazy idea that if we listen, really listen to each other, and then try to connect people with the means and opportunity to achieve what they desire, we'll actually make a difference in our smaller and larger communities.

You won't do better because I am doing better. But, if I work hard enough to help enough people do better, I'm likely to discover the things I need to do better in business as well.

The Groundswell Collective is about building a purpose driven business. Chris Angell and Val Mohney are working hard on making that work. I'm cheering them on.

Shawn Lloyd and Nicholas Allard are working on RConnect. This group will focus on having conversations with real business owners dealing with real business issues in a very personal way. This is connecting people and their passion together.

As a vision, however, I see the INWCN fulfilling a different role.

I'm a part of so many communities and each is a world unto itself. Yet, in very fundamental and economic ways, they each need the others. They each need to know what is going on inside the boundaries that give the group identity.

When I can connect two individuals together, a new opportunity opens up. Col(labor)ation can occur when two entities sit down together. And the amazing thing is that what they create will be better than what either could have done alone.

Our world is based on marketing and competition. Only 8% of your social media audience will see any particular post you make. Your competitors, though, are also looking to get in front of that same audience. They are overwhelmed with messaging and beginning to shut down for what they claim is a lack of authenticity.

People want connection, purpose, purpose, and authenticity. But for all of that to happen, we have to work together. And that takes breaking down the silo walls. (Learn about information silos in Champions #1)

I don't know if INWCN will make a dent in those numbers, but I'd certainly like to try.

And my idea begins with learning what Matt Silverman can teach us about building an influencer, aka Champions, network followed by Dave Ribble's insights into how we can use our influence to have an impact.

Are you ready to talk? Let me know. I'll set something up.

In the meantime, here are my inspirations again:

The Champions Network - Matt Silverman

The Way of The Conscientious Connector - Dave Ribble

Until next time, Rob

Hi, I'm Robert Ruder

I'm the owner/operator of IDIC Designs, LLC. I coach small business owners to align their technology with their business objectives. Would you be willing to connect me to someone who needs to make better use of their technology?

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